
About Stansbury Park Improvement District 

The Stansbury Park Improvement District (SPID) was created by the Tooele County Commission in 1971 for the purpose of providing water, sewer and storm drainages services to the community of Stansbury Park.  SPID is a political subdivision of the State of Utah and operates separately and individually from any other government entity.

Three elected officials of the community serve as SPID board of directors. Day to day operations consist of a manager, office staff and field personnel.

Operation and maintenance revenues are generated from water and sewer user fees. A small amount of revenue is generated from property taxes. Impact fees are assessed as new developments are constructed and cannot be used for existing infrastructure improvements.

Operations include four deep-water wells, water storage tanks, and mainline piping systems for water, sewer and storm drainage, including the sewer lagoons and three sewer lift stations.

Board meeting are held each month and generally on the third Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. at the District Office located at 30 Plaza (just West of the Millpond Condo's).

Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone (435) 882-7922. The after hours emergency number is 435-830-7284